
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Frog Soup

We all know the story of how to make frog soup. You put the frog in a pot of cool water. Turn the heat on low. It warms so slowly the little frog is not worried at all. By the time frog starts becoming very hot the frog has been lulled and made drowsy by slowly increasing warmth. He does not have the strength to fight and jump out of the pot. He would have easily jumped out when the water was cool ... but he thought it was a great little pond. HE IGNORED THE WARNING SIGNS... perhaps he even made excuses for the changes so he could enjoy the warm water just a little longer.


We are those frogs. We are ignoring the warning signs even as they become blaringly obvious. Earthquakes are growing stronger. Hurricanes are growing ever more deadly. Tornados are coming thru in greater frequency. Tsunami is becoming an everyday word related to frequency of occurance. We have gravely injured the Mother and her body is convulsing.


For your consideration here, a few of the two-legged produced disasters contributing to the injury of Mother Earth:


Oxygen levels have been slowly dropping over the centuries as we turn The Mother Earth into a parking lot destroying the living plants who are her lungs. The O2 is dropping slowly and we do not notice. The water of our pond grows warm.


Earth's blood, the waters of the Earth grow more polluted daily. A few years ago you would have laughed if someone had suggested you would be buying water by the bottle to have it pure. The pollution is rising and some are just starting to notice. The water of our pond grows warmer.


We used to produce only living plants to feed ourselves and our little brothers and sisters who share the earth with us. These plants would produce new plants when their seeds were nutured by the mother in the fecund earth. Now many of the plants we grow have been genetically modified so they are no longer capable of producing life. This is because these modified seeds are a parody of life. It looks like food. It may taste like food. But it lacks the life force given to us by The Mother to reproduce itself. We are slowly getting used to these pretend foods. The water is becoming quite hot and many still do not notice.


The Mother though gravely injured will survive and ultimately over millenia heal. It remains to be seen if the two-leggeds who think they are human beings will be alive to see that day. It may be too late for us to survive. However, you may want to consider pulling yourself out of the lethargy induced by the ease and comfort this lifestyle has produced. You may want to consider making a stand for change ... consider getting out of the soup. It will not be easy, the changes needed are huge. It may be too little and too late ... but maybe not. Add prayer to the mix and all things can change.
