Yesterday at a local gas station a man respectful - smelling of alcohol - came up to me and asked me for money. He called me gramma/Unci (I am pretty sure he called me this just to 'soften' me up). I told him I would not give him money but I would get him a cup of coffee - which I did. After I did this, a young man about 30 years younger than me who worked at the gas station came out of the gas station store and called out to me. He called me little girl/Wincicila (I am pretty sure he did this to wound me). When I turned, he told me I was foolish and that this man was a drunk and did not deserve (his word - 'deserve') the coffee. he then pointed to another man who was talking with another patron of the gas station and suggested I should have helped this one as his family had fallen on hard times.
I did not know - Grandfather/Tunkasila was working at this local gas station in the form of a young man and deciding who deserved compassion. The truth is - if the 'deserving' man had approached me, I would have given him a cup of coffee also.
Every one - every one - has the spark of Creator and Creation inside of them - I do not have the wisdom to know who deserves compassion so it is just my intention to give compassionate care to all . . . . . .
Wonderful thoughts! You should write more often :)
ReplyDeleteWhiterays . . .
Deletei am sorta kinda thinking it would be good to write a bit more often. thank you so much for your encouragement.
Joy to you.