
Monday, April 28, 2014

Second Verse Same as The First

At the ripe old age of 28 when most are still jumping into this life, I was considering, ‘what is this earth life – do I want to continue in this life?’  The pain (not personal but rather that pain which pervades earth life) was excruciating.  I actually spent time with a counselor trying to sort out my feelings related to not being in the earth life versus being in this earth life.  I was not afraid of dying and I was not suicidal – I just saw the impermanent nature of this earth life wherein everything changes and questioned – ‘do I want to fully be born into this life?’  I felt like I was in a cocoon and not fully born.  I watched and heard others speak and act out ‘life’ and knew my experience was very different.   Ultimately I decided to ‘take the curriculum’ – I convinced myself it was a virtue to see what it was like to be a human who is doing, feeling and being.


I still question if I made the correct choice.


We are told by some there are no wrong choices and it is all a part of the journey.  On one hand this may be true.  I wanted to know what it was like to be in this earth fully.  Now I know.  I am thinking if I had not made some of the choices that more fully brought me into the earth, I might still have the seed desires which led me to choose what I saw as ‘taking the curriculum’  pulling at me until fulfilled  - and so I might not be any better off by abstinence.  On the other hand, I am pretty sure I have created new or deepened the previous samsara* tracts thru my choices. 

Now after countless years, tears and yes fears – I see all that I gave up to travel the path of this earth life – yet – clearly I had DESIRE and I followed that desire and took the journey both inner and outer across The Turtle Island. 

Would I have had the discrimination at 28 to consciously choose another pathway?  I think not.  Now at 64 I am just beginning to scratch the surface of creating discrimination in my choices rather than following desire where it led. All those years ago I sought to convince myself that desire is synonymous with needed curriculum.  It was popular at that time to say: this earth is a schoolroom - take the lessons.  My error was believing that chasing desire was taking the lesson. 

Perhaps next time the issue comes up there will also be discrimination coupled with perseverance to make choices which bring goodness to my life and the lives of others.  My prayer at this time is to live long enough to clear out the newly created and perhaps previous life karma still tagging along.  This one is grateful for each day which brings new opportunity to turn yet more fully to The Light.   

Chopping wood . . .

Carrying the water . . .


*sam•sa•ra  (səmˈsɑr ə) 
 1.  (in Buddhism) the process of coming into existence as a differentiated, mortal creature.
 2.  (in Hinduism) the endless series of births, deaths, and rebirths to which all beings are subject.
[1885–90; < Skt samsāra literally, running together]


Monday, April 21, 2014

°˚°★*˚°。°*° CHANGE *★ °˚°★*˚°。°* ★ The One Constant in this Earth Life

The one constant in this EARTH LIFE is change.  You can be sure that nothing will stay the same.  Flowers will come and go with the seasons.  Even the rose bush who grows dormant for the Winter before returning in the spring - she will eventually go from the earth - die.  Anything that is born on The Mother also dies - eventually. 

I have been reminiscing on when I left the RoseBud Reservation last August 2013.  As much as I was looking forward to being with family of the heart and blood in California, I was also leaving family of the heart on The RoseBud. 

°˚°*˚°°*°**˚°CHANGES °˚°*˚°°*°**˚°

A few days before I left the reservation as I was packing up my trailer for the big move west a bird flew into my home.  It was early evening when there were still a few hours of sun light left. The sky was not yet changing to the reds and oranges of setting sun but was still carrying varying tones of blue.  It was a beautiful and peaceful time of early evening.  She was a beautiful, young and healthy bird.  She had an inverted V tail.  There were no distinctive male colors; rather she had the muted and protective colors of the female.  She did not call out.  She did not become frantic.  She flew into the house thru the garage and into the kitchen and then into the living room.  She made eye contact with me as she flew towards me.  I saw no fear in her demeanor.  Lady Bird was coming as a gift.  After she had flown around the house for a bit she flew back into the garage thru the connecting doors and roosted in the rafters.  I left the garage door to outside open for her but she seemed happy in the garage though the light was still shining thru the door to the outside and she knew how to leave if she chose.

In the morning when I woke she had gone.  Flown away and now it was time for me to fly away.  When I had left Florida a few years back, members of the dragonfly nation had come in a similar way to say ‘time to fly’.  Now Lady Bird had done the same. 

My life has been and continues to be full to overflowing with Love from Both Creator and Creation, full to overflowing with beginnings and endings.  All the seasons move within me.  Spring gives me new beginnings and renewals.  Summer gives the fullness and richness of youthful seeking to be.  Fall brings a riot of colors and reminiscences.  Then comes Winter, a time to move inside to that place beyond Creation.  The seasons interchange – come and go – within the Universe of my consciousness in much the same way the season changes and moves over the face of The Earth.  A peace can come – an assurance; being at-one with the changing seasons of my soul juxtaposed to the seasons of The Earth.