Change is painful, even when it is ‘good change’ (by our
personal ego-centric take on life) …. Perhaps a major component of this pain is
FEAR. So much time is wasted (by me …
and maybe by you) in painful fear. Even when
I want the change, actually taking the physical leap and the leap of faith, FEAR
often pops up BIG TIME and HUGE.
It is often only when the pain of not making the change
outweighs the fear of making the change that we flip over into the action
needed to create the new space in our lives.
This does not mean that every change we consider needs to
actually be seriously entertained. To discern and
ponder and then choose with consideration to the effect this choice has on
self, family, friends and all of life (we are all connected) is a component of big life changes if wisdom and intuition predominate. However, in considering all aspects the
mitigating factor is not whether self and others LIKE (oh my, I am thinking
about ‘liking’ a Facebook comment) but what is the outcome of the change being
considered. A simplistic example might
be: I choose to start an exercise
regime. Short term this is painful
(muscles screaming) but looking to the future the long term benefits of increased
endurance and perhaps longer more active life.
a lifetime of seeking to avoid pain this one over recent years is more
completely coming to understand and feel in the core: not only is pain unavoidable it is not always
a bad thing. Pain sends up the flag
notifying us that something needs attention.
So, on a more mundane level, I think I will break out my
yoga mat and do some stretches now as I am thinking about changing my sedentary life to one of conscious movement to limber my mind, heart and body. (Maybe not so mundane after all).
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your
understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals
your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence
and tranquility." - Khalil Gibran