
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Way of the Heart
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The World According to Turtle Island Nomad, which may have nothing to do with your reality

I am drawn to the Christ. Differentiating Christ from Jesus. Jesus was the man who carried the Christ Medicine / manifested the Christ Spirit. The Christ Spirit is the Spirit of LOVE prevading ALL. I honor the man Jesus and he was a man ... only a man. The difference between this man and others is that he chose to open himself completely to the LOVE. He became a conduit to serve the people. He gave his life as a gift to the people.

The mystics of the Christian pathway speak across the centuries to ALL WAYS. They speak in the language of those who follow the Christ way - and - for those who have ears and heart to hear, THEY SPEAK TO ALL WAYS.

The mystics / those who love Creation and Creator . . . speak the same language. They speak HEART.

There is only ONE WAY to the center of all things. That way is not only 'Christian', it is not only 'Buddhist', it is not only 'hindu', it is not only 'Zoroastrian', it is not only Lakota ....(choose any number of other pathways from across the Mother Earth and add in here)....

I have a certainty that Jesus who manifested the Christ spirit would have no problem:
*Practicing Lojong Tonglen with the Buddhists
*Revere and hold sacred the living world as the Zoroastrians do
*Use the japa mala/prayer beads with the Hindu practioners
*Crawl into the Inipi to pray with the Lakota People
With this in mind, consider reading THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING. It is not an easy read and it shares the 'signs' common along the way to all who choose to follow the way of the heart. Feel free to insert the language of the path you have chosen to follow to help understand the insights offered. This book is a map of the terrain of the awakening heart. This book in it's entirety is on line at Googles book site whose link is at the bottom of this post. Directly below are a few short quotes from this book:


"Be willing to be blind,
and give up all longing to know the why and how,
for knowing will be more a hinderance than a help."
"But now you will ask me
'How am i to think of God himself, and what is he?'
and i cannot answer you except to say,
'I do not know' for with this question you have brought me into the same darkness,
the cloud of unknowing where i want you to be."
"God, unto whom all hearts be open,
and unto whom all will speaketh and unto whom no privy thing is hid.
i beseech thee so for to cleanse the intent of mine heart
with the unspeakable gift of they grace,
that i may perfectly love thee, and worthily praise thee.

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