Choosing to walk the spiritual life is a path wherein we are not able to let ourselves OFF THE HOOK ever again. We can no longer be victims of others or our own urges. This word victim must be erased from our vocabulary. Nothing is 'done' to us. Life IS. On the surface it may not appear to be gentle. Indeed on the surface it is not gentle. However, these not gentle occurances are not to hurt us so much as to crack open the seeds of THANK YOU buried deep inside of each of us. This 'thank you' includes inherent in it's nature a deep visceral desire to give back to life.
Like the seed breaking through the soil to reach for the sky and become ........ a flower, a tree or a blade of grass ....... this seeking of the full life leads us to push aside what is in the way of this growth and inexorably we move to the light.
As we mature, the rules change and we become accountable for everything we SAY.... everything we THINK.... and everthing we DO. There comes a time when the unconscious pushing of personal agenda ceases to be a priority. There comes a time when continued pushing of personal agenda leads us into the dark and not the light we deeply crave. The flower when she has reached maturity gives her beauty and sweet scent to all, with-holding from none! The tree when he is mature offers shade and and drops his leaves as mulch for future growth! The grass when mature offers a soft bed to lay upon! No one and no thing is denied the gifts we are given to share if we have allowed ourselves to grow in a good way.
At some point, we two-leggeds get to choose if we will continue to move towards the light, which in maturity includes sharing the gifts we have been given ... or continue to seek only for the small self, which though appropriate at first ultimately turns us in on ourselves and moves us into deeper and deeper dark.
Will we live in a Circle wherein as we take we also give freely? Or will we spin out of control seeking to draw into ourselves like the tornado or hurricane, destroying that which we draw in, so we can not fully use the gifts which life brings?