We now live from day
to day with energy vampires in power over much of the earth. These vampires
have international attention. These vampires are only the figureheads of deep-seated
issues now in the fore, not only in this nation (USA) - but much of the world.
These vampires and those of similar ilk will say and do whatever will bring
them the most blood (emotional response which is what they feed on) - OUR
MISSION (as I see it) is to not feed the vampire while simultaneously standing
/ resisting the tyranny, misogyny and fascism. The energy vampires encourage
unrest as it brings them their primary food source (our fears, anxiety and
anger). SO, despite all we must remain unshaken and peaceful while resisting
with every cell in our being …. Then like tatanka / the buffalo we will weather
the storms shrieking through our world. We need the FORTITUDE to go the
distance. Stay strong. Remain peaceful. Love in vanguard. WE GOT THIS - we were
born for this time.