"When you are working within the field of Fortitude ....Some form of humiliation is often part of the picture, so you may face obstacles that will humiliate you while you are trying to ground your vision into everyday reality. The reason for the humiliation is mystical in that you are forced to relinquish your personal vision of how something should be accomplished, allowing for the divine plan to be set in motion."
Taken from DEFY GRAVITY by Caroline Myss
Mostly in-my-head or out-of-my-mind wanderings and musings. The world according to Turtle Island Nomad: which may have nothing to do with your reality. This one is on the ride of her life. Aren't we all ... whether we know it or not.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The mystics of the Christian pathway speak across the centuries to ALL WAYS. They speak in the language of those who follow the Christ way - and - for those who have ears and heart to hear, THEY SPEAK TO ALL WAYS.
The mystics / those who love Creation and Creator . . . speak the same language. They speak HEART.
There is only ONE WAY to the center of all things. That way is not only 'Christian', it is not only 'Buddhist', it is not only 'hindu', it is not only 'Zoroastrian', it is not only Lakota ....(choose any number of other pathways from across the Mother Earth and add in here)....
Wednesday, November 10, 2010